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Ethics and making history available

  • 11 Hökens gata Stockholm, Stockholms län, 116 46 Sweden (se karta)

Ethics and making history available

– time for a new debate about museum ethics?

Foto: Anna Ulfstrand

Foto: Anna Ulfstrand

In everyday work, museums often face ethical questions and challenges: in contact with informants; in the handling of artefacts, narratives and presentations. What ethical issues do the museums encounter in relation to registration and presentation of historical material, of difficult and personal stories? Meet Kathrin Pabst, Armando Perla and Anna Ulfstrand in conversation with Helene Larsson Pousette.

The conversation will be in English.

Kathrin Pabst Foto: Mona Hauglid

Kathrin Pabst
Foto: Mona Hauglid


Kathrin Pabst, Head of the Scientific Department at Vest-Agder-museum in Kristiansand, Norway and member of the Norwegian ICOM board. She is one of the initiators of the establishment of a new International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas, ICED. Ph.D in professional ethics, focusing on moral challenges museums face when working with sensitive topics.  

Armando Perla

Armando Perla

Armando Perla is Project Manager of Museum Development and Strategic Partnerships at the Museum of Movements in Malmo. He was part of the founding team of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) and has experience conducting oral histories with activists, survivors, refugees and historically marginalized populations. Bachelor of Laws and Master’s degree in International Human Rights Law and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Sweden.

Anna Ulfstrand

Anna Ulfstrand

Helene Larsson Pousette

Helene Larsson Pousette

Anna Ulfstrand, former head of Contemporary Collection and Documentation at the Stockholm City Museum, together with the County Museum responsible for the contemporary collection of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan 2017. Anna is currently head of the Högdalens library unit, and board member at the Stockholm Museum of Women's History.

Helene Larsson Pousette is one of the co-founders of Stockholm Museum of Women's History, where she is also responsible for the area Collection, research and development. Most recently, she was responsible for the international art exhibition "History Unfolds – Contemporary art Meets History" at the Swedish History Museum.

The discussion is arranged together with Voksenåsen, with support from Swedish-Norwegian Cooperation Fund and Fritt Ord. 

Detta är en del av den månadslånga invigningen av Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska, 1-31 mars på Hökens Gata 11 i Stockholm (och flera andra ställen). Lokalen är liten och antalet platser mycket begränsat, ingen förbokning. Alla programpunkter är kostnadsfria och dokumenteras för arkiv och tillgänglighet - och är ett sätt för oss att se vad som fungerar och vad som blir bra. Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska ska erbjuda museiverksamhet över hela staden, utan en egen permanent byggnad. Med stöd av Stockholms stad.

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