Hystera - Dr Alicja Pawluczuk
Artist in exhibition Breaking this silence
Alicja Pawluczuk is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher whose practice blends the fields of art, education and academia. She is a Digital Inequalities Researcher with the INCLUDE+ network at the University of Leeds, where she leads a research project in artivism entitled endo-violence temporalities: exploring digital [in]visibilities.
Photo: Isabella Reyes
Research and creative interventions
She is one of the founders of the magazine Endo Violence Magazyn. With extensive experience in digital inequality and participatory digital justice education programmes, she seamlessly merges her skills to create innovative, people-centred and thought-provoking work. Her artistic practice explores the interplay between research and creative interventions for social change.
In her work, Hystera explores in depth her intersecting identities as technology researcher, feminist, migrant, disability activist and artist. By anchoring these identities in a broader socio-technological context, she exposes complex layers of societal dynamics, power structures and the complexity of lived experience.
Video language: English with English subtitles.
Hystera - Dr Alicja Pawluczuk Endo violence hell 1 2024, Led, collage, papier autocollant, tissus, corde, techniques mixtes Dimensions variables.
Hystera - Dr Alicja Pawluczuk Endo violence hell 1 2024, Led, collage, papier autocollant, tissus, corde, techniques mixtes Dimensions variables.
Hystera - Dr Alicja Pawluczuk Endo violence hell 1 2024, Led, collage, papier autocollant, tissus, corde, techniques mixtes Dimensions variables.